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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My 'Calventures' theme

( below) 2 of 5 small paintings for my 'Calventures' theme,
Each piece is made to look like it was a lost work of art; 
found after many years of weathering...

Transparent watercolours, opague watercolours, gouache, and ink;
on tinted 300lb watercolor paper.

Approximate size of a post card, 4 inches by 6 inches. 

( below ) Main Piece for CALVENTURES - 9"x 12"
watercolour, gouache, and ink on watercolour paper


( below ) Sort of the 3D Mascot for the CALVENTURES theme
with a stub wing; road rash from bad landings; 
and vintage parachute gear.

A chicken being brave.

It is a sculpture made of a wire frame, wire mesh, tinfoil, 
two-part apoxy (like Bondo for your car)
and finished with acrylic paints.
2 feet long

( below ) My first Diarama for the CALVENTURES theme

Materials/Process: found materials mostly,
a large knotted stump of hard wood,
tree branches counter-sunk and
glued together to resemble an ancient evergreen tree,
left over wax from a wax casting used for the icy terrain and
icicles of the cliff and tree,
moss and twigs for pine needle bunches and details,
minimal glitter for the shimmering snow
softened with plaster dust.